17th January 2024 First round of Nab-Piclitaxel

1 minute read time.

I am feeling very nervous about today after having an allergic reaction last week to Paclitaxel. 
The infusion started, it’s a small amount and only takes 30 minutes and I thought I was doing ok to start with, then with only a few minutes  to go I started getting shortness of breath again so I was treated for an allergy again so the pump was stopped. They gave me chance to sort myself out and they administered the necessary drugs to combat a reaction, so when I was feeling ok again then they started it again but very slowly and I completed my first round. After chatting to a consultant oncologist the nurses decided that I was just having panicking due to what happened last week and it was impossible to react  to this drug. 

so I came home and relaxed for the rest of the evening. I had asked earlier if I was going to feel sick when would it happen and she said you probably won’t as most don’t on this but it could be 24-48 hours after the infusion.

Fast forward to today 18th January and I had one of the best nights sleeps that I have had in months. I woke up feeling absolute fine then a bit later i did have just one bout of diarrhoea but I took some Imodium to sort it out. Anyway I haven’t needed to take any of my anti sickness tablet as yet and it’s now 2pm. I feel just like normal.
