16th January 2024. Blood Tests day

1 minute read time.

If you have read my story from the beginning I didn’t want it to scare anybody. What has happened to me is not the norm, obviously anybody can get a wound infection but not necessarily go on to get sepsis from it and take 3 weeks to recover from it.

Also I am reading mixed things regarding my allergic reaction to Paclitaxel, the chemo nurses told me that it happens a lot but if you google it it says it rare so I don’t really know.

Been to hospital today for my bloods ready for my chemo tomorrow. I had a nice chat to one of the Macmillan Team (she was actually sat with me when I had my reaction) it was lovely to see her again. She was asking how I was feeling about going back for chemo after after my allergic reaction last week. She said that I can request a member of their team to sit with me if I was worried. Well of course I am worried about it as it’s really my first one again now but the added anxiety of trying not to think about what happened last. I told her that I should be ok and the nurses were really reassuring me telling me that nobody ever reacts to this chemo.

 I will let you all know how I get on later on tomorrow when I get back from hospital.
