Shit happens

1 minute read time.

Hi. I'm Sarah and this is my first attempt at a blog. So please bear with me!

I think I'll start from the beginning. 

After a rough 6 months at the beginning of 2013 (constant bleeding and belly pain) I was diagnosed with neauroendocrine carcinoma of the cervix. It's a rare and aggresive type of cancer and it had already spread to my pelvis and lymph glands. I was in for chemo straight away, followed by radiotherapy, more chemo, brachytherapy and finally more chemo. 

By January this year, I was given the fantastic news that I had beaten Cancer. 

A wonderful 6 months of feeling great took over. I spent proper time with the kids, going on camping trips and going to festivals, just having fun and enjoying them while they are small.

And then I started to feel breathless and easily tired. And I knew. Even if no body else wanted to believe it, I knew the cancer was back. 

I was always warned that it could crop up anywhere again, but especially the lungs. I had a chest x-ray that showed up a couple of lesions, so was sent for a CT scan.

And this takes me to today. Results day.

It's back and it's not going anywhere. I have 2 quite sizable tumours on my left lung and loads of little dots peppered around.

It's terminal.

I don't know how long I have left.

I start a round of chemo tomorrow. We have agreed on 3 rounds of cisplatin and then a scan to see how thats going.

I have told my Mum and my husband was with me when I heard the news. I can't spot apologising to them both. It's strange, but the only emotion I seem to be experiancing is guilt. The fact that I'm making these people close to me feel so bad, is horrible.

I have decided not to tell my kids the full story just yet. They know I'm poorly and that I start on chemo again tomorrow, but that's it. I need more time for that.

So that's me. Sarah. Mum and wife.............. Not to be mourned, just yet :)

  • FormerMember

    Hi Sarah,

    Good to meet you, this is my first time on here just like you, I was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2012 did the same as you, chemo, surgery, radiotherapy, then back to reality!! back to being able to plan things for the future.

    And again just like you, I didn't feel too good and just knew, mine has spread also, however to my bones and my liver.  Oh the joys!! You now feel like you're in limbo and what can we do??

    I have noticed you have used the word "terminal" did they say that to you? 

    I got told that there wasn't a cure for mine however they could try to prevent it from growing and spreading further, to which I was told "its not terminal but not curable" but we still can't plan until we know its under control, hey??!

    Good luck with everything and I which you all the best, stay in touch and let me know how you get on?!


  • FormerMember

    Aw Thanks for getting in touch.

    I was the one that asked it it was terminal. She kind of looked at me, nodded and said we'll see how you react to the chemo. 

    So only time will tell.

    Good luck to you to x

  • FormerMember

    Hi sarah. You are so brave it is not easy to tell every one how you are felling . I to am newish to all of this I have skin bcc cancer just wating to see a surgical dr on 23 this month. Keep your chin up think positive just do what every you can do.

     All the very best sarah.

  • Rooting for you Sarah, good luck! Little- fi :)
  • FormerMember
    Thanks everyone. I'm back home in bed after today's chemo. A bit wiped out at the mo x