Wigs, wonderful wigs & the making of a call girl

3 minute read time.

So I spontaneously purchased way too many wigs yesterday !! What fun it was too, trying on all different colours, styles and lengths. I was struck by how exciting it was to change your personality and appearance with a syrup and thought why didn't i do this before ...Hullo I am Ivanka , super spy ..

 The shop owners were fantastic, as you would be when a customer happily purchases 5 wigs and accessories, but let me point out this was just a local hair shop and not something labelled and priced at a higher level for cancer paitents. I really don't understand how something can be double the price because you have an NHS voucher ?? Anyway before I get in trouble for slating how people profit from people with cancer ..ahem ....when the shop owners cheerily asked my I was buying my super fine wigs, I cheerily replied too, oh it's as I have breast cancer and I'm awaiting to start chemo so will lose my hair. Cue look of horror on guys face, it's ok I said it's no drama..why do I always feel compelled to soften the blow for others ? 

I'm not trying to convince anyone I haven't got cancer and I haven't changed...I have and I will continue to change, so I can't see the benefit of trying to find a wig that looks like me now to fool people. If i find one then great, but I also see it as a way to experiment and take risks I never would with my own hair. My 5 wigs are all very different and edgy - wheeeee

I love my hair, but losing it is part of the course to recovery so thereby you accept that. Does my hair define me ? I don't think so, but it's very much me...i play with it when i flirt, I toss it when I'm happy lol ...i pull it up in a hairband most of the time - why aren't their bad hair day wigs lol ...they would look more natural. my friend said that too lol 

I can tell already that my wigs will be hot and pretty sure they will be whipped off in public to itch and readjust : )  But the texture is lovely and i figure if I'm missing flirting with my hair than they will substitute adequately and I can twirl them round my fingers - only not too hard eh ? Places a wig will be a no go ...in the gym, sweaty wig on treadmill is really not a good look ...or in bedroom lol ...sorry to be graphic but hey that's not going to be practical ha ha unless he wants to wear it ;-p

Styling them is going to be important too, as you obviously can't just pop and go ..so a trip to my hairdressers for them is coming lol ...high maintenance buggers - maybe a hat is cheaper and quicker or body paint ? Draw a different design daily ?? 

Hair is so important to us really, no getting away from it, it shields us from the world, or makes a statement, is our pride and glory , or we blame it for bad days. I am not going to kid myself I do love my hair, like I loved my breast, but I've adjusted well to my new lady boy style so will with this too. My chemo looks set to be autumn to winter so hats and scarves will rock my wardrobe - if I'm able I don't see any harm in trying the cold cap as other women in the group seem to be doing well with it.

So here I am with the most amazing wigs beaming at me from their girls world heads - all prepared and my beautiful real hair still there needs a good pamper until I bid it goodbye...maybe I should sell it to make my own wig - omg that's weirder than weird - lol 

  • FormerMember

    I wish I had the money for lots of different wigs (I am also really upset at the price of bras and swimming costumes! I can't afford that!), but I am determined to mess about with silly ones from friends and maybe put the voucher to good use...

    I went to the hairdresser today - my hair was a bit like yours, Sassy, just with a fringe - and had it cut quite short. Didn't realise how curly my hair is with all the weight gone, so I feel like I am experimenting already. The children are ok with it and I bumped into a friend who said she loved it. The thought of the cold cap is scary (I hate cold!), but depending on when chemo is and how long it takes I may try it, don't know yet...


  • FormerMember

    Hey P, they were cheap cheap seriously forget all the ones you see on the net for £160 ouch...you need to check a local hair shop, there are loads in London and find really nice but affordable ones :)

    I've not done the proper bras or swimsuits either, i'm trying to avoid that and be creative, the chick on sophie feels better, did a great job customising her bras and bikinis and bought outfits that disguised things without actually buying cancer related products. My inner rebel shines here...lol 

    Oh I hope you are going to post a picture !! I bet it looks lovely - that's my next move, a bob like Scarlett Johanassen from Avengers - i'm thinking the lighter the hair the more chance the roots have if we are 1) able to have the cold cap and 2) can bare it 

    But plan B is to just keep cutting and wearing really funky short cuts to get people used to my changed look, shaved sides and long ontop is sooo fashionable right now - I never would have had the guts, but now have nothing to lose 

    Let's see, we may start chemo the same week ! ;-) 

  • FormerMember

    Hah!! tit tape on her head does indeed provide gleeful giggles. I love your attitude sassy, your awesome :) I say go crazy with the shaved bits and rock out as much as you can. If we cant embrace our disease and claim it as our own and have fun with it, what can we do?!

    I entirely have the image of someone annoying you, so you run to the loo, whipping out the face paints and coming out wig in hand, with a suitable slogan or image for the rest of the world. *thows wig in face and walks off triumphant* Im all for joining in the new moment that is the updated happy slap, can think of many people who i would love to throw more than a wig at to fix their tilted heads and unappreciative nature.

    Why cant the world be full of more upbeat crazy people like us?! I come to macland for a break, and this is a place you would think would be the sadder end of town but its not, in reality the real world drags me down day after day with its big black cloud and you guys keep me going! Love you all, and love even more than you are the same crazy insane minded individuals that i can identify and have fun with.

    Moan the superheroes of macland, time to take over the world and show them we are the lucky ones, they are missing out and letting life pass them by without realising how lucky they are.

    Biggest superhero love and hugs to you all, 

    Isis x