Wigs, wonderful wigs & the making of a call girl

3 minute read time.

So I spontaneously purchased way too many wigs yesterday !! What fun it was too, trying on all different colours, styles and lengths. I was struck by how exciting it was to change your personality and appearance with a syrup and thought why didn't i do this before ...Hullo I am Ivanka , super spy ..

 The shop owners were fantastic, as you would be when a customer happily purchases 5 wigs and accessories, but let me point out this was just a local hair shop and not something labelled and priced at a higher level for cancer paitents. I really don't understand how something can be double the price because you have an NHS voucher ?? Anyway before I get in trouble for slating how people profit from people with cancer ..ahem ....when the shop owners cheerily asked my I was buying my super fine wigs, I cheerily replied too, oh it's as I have breast cancer and I'm awaiting to start chemo so will lose my hair. Cue look of horror on guys face, it's ok I said it's no drama..why do I always feel compelled to soften the blow for others ? 

I'm not trying to convince anyone I haven't got cancer and I haven't changed...I have and I will continue to change, so I can't see the benefit of trying to find a wig that looks like me now to fool people. If i find one then great, but I also see it as a way to experiment and take risks I never would with my own hair. My 5 wigs are all very different and edgy - wheeeee

I love my hair, but losing it is part of the course to recovery so thereby you accept that. Does my hair define me ? I don't think so, but it's very much me...i play with it when i flirt, I toss it when I'm happy lol ...i pull it up in a hairband most of the time - why aren't their bad hair day wigs lol ...they would look more natural. my friend said that too lol 

I can tell already that my wigs will be hot and pretty sure they will be whipped off in public to itch and readjust : )  But the texture is lovely and i figure if I'm missing flirting with my hair than they will substitute adequately and I can twirl them round my fingers - only not too hard eh ? Places a wig will be a no go ...in the gym, sweaty wig on treadmill is really not a good look ...or in bedroom lol ...sorry to be graphic but hey that's not going to be practical ha ha unless he wants to wear it ;-p

Styling them is going to be important too, as you obviously can't just pop and go ..so a trip to my hairdressers for them is coming lol ...high maintenance buggers - maybe a hat is cheaper and quicker or body paint ? Draw a different design daily ?? 

Hair is so important to us really, no getting away from it, it shields us from the world, or makes a statement, is our pride and glory , or we blame it for bad days. I am not going to kid myself I do love my hair, like I loved my breast, but I've adjusted well to my new lady boy style so will with this too. My chemo looks set to be autumn to winter so hats and scarves will rock my wardrobe - if I'm able I don't see any harm in trying the cold cap as other women in the group seem to be doing well with it.

So here I am with the most amazing wigs beaming at me from their girls world heads - all prepared and my beautiful real hair still there needs a good pamper until I bid it goodbye...maybe I should sell it to make my own wig - omg that's weirder than weird - lol 

  • FormerMember

    Sassy - what a great attitude you have!  Good for you, enjoy being all those different personalities but don't lose your own it's priceless!



  • FormerMember

    Sassy, i LOVE that you went on a wig shopping spree!! I always pictured my wig trip as very samantha in sex and the city, and will entirely be the one in the bright blue bob or the firey red mane, none of this dull boring every day nonsense! Why not change your personality with the flick of a wig! I think its an awesome idea. Pleased to meet you Ivanka! Im Raven - Shadow Ninja extrodinaire! lol

    I did start to fret when i got my first balding patch, and hair is finally starting to be noticably lighter/thinner to me, everyone else assures me i still look the same, im not so sure. I got told it would only thin and wouldnt completely fall out. Half of me was most reassured - been growing my hair out for years in an attempt to get it to my bum by the time in 30 - failing in that respect but still have most of of it on my head at least. The other half of me wanted to have a collection of wigs and flirt with new random alteregos. Infact, my birthday is a week after i finish chemo, and im entirely tempted to make it a wig party - just to give me an excuse to get said wig if hair continues to behave itself and not shed all over the house like it has been. Thank you Lee Stafford for stopping the itchy sore scalp *bows down all we are not worthy style*

    Softening the blow for everyone is something i do all the time, you feel the need to reassure people that the words cancer and chemo arent as awful as it sounds, your still you first and foremost. I get pee'd at all the people who talk to me all normal like until they find out im ill then the tone of voice alters and suddenly they have a creek in their neck and cant talk to you with their head straight. I always wonder if i do the body mirroring thing thats supposed to work in the old mating game, if people would instantly realise that they are doing it and correct it, or would they think im firing into them?! not found a suitably hot guy to try that theory out tho :P 

    Anyhew, i take my virtual hat/wig/headscarves off to you, you have an amazing fun loving winning attitude. Stand tall warrior woman, in the wig of the day and keep kicking cancers ass!! (entirely picturing you standing hands on hips on top of a building, wig flowing in the wind, all black and white comic book hero style!hehe)

    Much love

    Isis x 

  • FormerMember

    Hey Sassy71, a girl after my own heart!  I have wig no.1 at the ready as of last Thursday....it is similar to mine but that is because I work in the school and would rather not too many questions from the parents or scare the kids....however, I am already looking up all sorts of other styles on the internet and can't wait to be blond bombshell on day and firey red on another.....?!

    I need to find somewhere nearby though so I can try them on.  Like you, I know I am going to put by bag over my shoulder and "trap" my hair so have it all squewwiff from the word go!  Well, if we can't aspire to having fun with this and making the best of a bad situation then hey....where's the fight and fun in that.

    Big hug to you and my wig has a hairclip in it all ready to go...I was going to "test drive" it this weekend to see if friends noticed but actually, even knowing my real hair is still there, I couldn't quite do it until it is needed.

    Clare xxx

  • FormerMember

    A friend of mine had a huge collection of silly wigs and I was planning funny looks for each day of the week. I was almost disappointed in the end when they said thin a lot rather than all fall out... so no need for wigs. I would have gone bald myself but then i usually have very short hair anyway....

    Enjoy them and have fun with them! get a beehive one too

    I also spent a lot of time softening blows to other people. Oh its ok, don't do sympathy type comments. I was also fairly bold about it too... Its a weird one and it was the headtilts that got me. aw bless. Brave you etc. arrgghh if I had had a wig, I would probably pulled it off and slapped them with it.

    How about painting a big smiley face on your head?

    Oooh you could have such fun with it. You could paint a realistic face on it and then bend down and freak people out when you stand up haha.

    Sell your hair- why not! but then I like weird....

    glad to hear you are still the same positive feisty twin....

    lots of love

    Little My xxx

  • FormerMember

    Hello lovely ladies of the night - ha that sounds dubious !!

    Thank you Pam for your support : ) My friends would say don't encourage her !! 

    Raven- Shadow  Ninja - I see you with your black outfit and huge weapons of mass destruction !! lol I'm trying that Superwoman image with my wonky asymmetric boobs in tight lycra lol ...is this an optical illusion  ?? no my softy slipped !! Samantha Jones buying wigs is awesome !! Imagine her antics in wigs they'd be flying off here there and everywhere lol ...she'd have tit tape on her head ...(gleeful giggles at this image)  I think you should wear a wig anyway - funny how I always gravitate towards them and stick on moustaches lol ..ahem issues !

    Clare - lol the image of the wig being caught in a rush and whipping off is right there in my mind, except my dog would run off with it, she does my softy if I leave it hanging around lol ...

    Quite right about school tho, I remember a teacher wearing a wig when we were kids and we were ridiculous and teased - gosh imagine she had cancer and we didn't know ! Kids just don't understand do they ?

    Little My - Oh My ....tee hee hee I had this idea of painting a cue ball, a planet ummmm flowers, getting people to sign it ..I mean sooo much expression lol ...666 on bad days 

    Wig slapping sounds like an update of the happy slap he he it could break out in chemo departments throughout the UK :)

    Hope you lovely ladies are having a good (wet) weekend - I know when my hair goes - i can paint my head yellow and be the sun !!  :)  xxxxxxxx