Why anger is the most destructive emotion going....

2 minute read time.

I've turned very green this weekend , not sick but angry like the Hulk. I'm not very nice when I'm angry and I really can't seem to shake off these outburss the past few days.

Is like chicken and egg scenario - cancer or anger, which came first ?? It seems my dsyfunctional relationship with cancer has kicked into largely anger this weekend and shifted my sunny disposition - like the return of the rain.

Why ? Why not ? It's affecting all my interpersonal relatonships but inparticular the ones closest to me, my kids, the guy I was dating and some friends. I can have a good day but every morning nature wakes me with this pleasant reminder this is happening, this is real and even though I sleep peaceful in my dreams happy, i wake and my brain floods with reminders of what I have ahead of me and probably my own fear, but a lot of resentment/ frustration.

I'm just pissed with the way BC has pushed it's way into my life uninvited and pushed it's way to the front literally to jostle my life out of the way to stamp it's presence, steal my body parts and challenge all my beliefs and esteem.Ok, this is temporary and all things will pass and I will beat this beast to submission and it goes off crying for its mum, then I'll kick it's mum's ass too...and any other family member trust me.

Why am I moaning ??? I'm alive this is curable/ treatable - why the heck am I moaning about vanity and injustice !! I'm not a why me person as i know cancer is a worldwide problem in developed countries where we run ourselves ragged are polluted by external factors, and this triggers off our own internal growing nagging tumours. I accept that my own body helped form this mass.

But seriously ??? Grrrrrr can't I just be me - the one I was before I was diagnosed, the one with both breasts and long lovely hair. Sure I'll sacrifice all of my superficial and external beauty and sure i'll grow back and sure I can have reconstruction and this is blag I tell everyone else with a brave and cheery smile...don't worry about me ! But today I think F888 that !!

Just for today I want to storm into the house of cancer, kidnap it's leader and brutally torture it for everyone that has suffered and fallen, for everyone fighting now, for everyone that has survived with some of their body parts stolen and for anyone in the future it might steal away. Grrrrr - anyone with me ?? Let's have an anarchy

Normal calm service will return tomorrow - even an uber optismist can have an off day

  • FormerMember

    Aw, Sassy,

    I could come and check your blood pressure for you, but the way you're feeling it's probably really low. If they want to check blood sugar (because it can make you really tired when that's low) you could try eating some biscuits and a mars bar or something.

    You can sigh as much as you like, I don't mind!


    Sending you some more hugs, covering you with a blanket for your power nap! xxx

  • FormerMember

    Sassy, im with you!

    Hulk Smash!!!!!!!!

    We all have these off days, weeks, times behind closed doors and thats why i love going to the room, its there to create whatever space we need to work through it all and vent our feelings and all these lovely people in macland come and give you hugs or join in the smashing.

    I hit my first low and angry week at the last bout of chemo, and got sooooo frustrated and upset and angry at myself for not being able to shift it, that is when i truly felt the benefit of having mac friends.

    I hope all the hugs and smashing help you feel more like you again,

    Biggest hulk hugs (huge arms like that must give good hugs surely?!)

    Lynnie x 

  • FormerMember


    Shout, rant, vent as much as you want (or your energy will allow). 

    In the beginning of this journey i vacillated between self pity, anger, and acceptance over and over until I realized that none of these emotions made a damn bit of difference to what was going on in my body.   Of course that doesn't stop me from still having OFF days every now and again. I'm only human after all.

    Sending you healing hugs and positive vibes.

    Pam xx xx