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My husband has just been diagnosed with stage 3 aggressive bladder cancer and embark upon 12 weeks of chemo from next wednesday.....i lost my first husband to lung cancer........all i can see is the same scenario......every one tells me not to worry......not to over react......but i dont know if i can go through all this again only to lose the one i love......

  • Hello Jen.Welcome to the site.Im so sorry you have had to come and join us but you have come to a good place where you will find support and help from others who understand.How awful that you have had to go through this twice your emotions must be all over the place.I do not know all the details of your husbands cancer but it sounds as if the doctors feel its treatable.There are many who have had aggressive bladder cancer and are still here I hope your husband will be one of those people.People always tell us not to worry but of course that's so easily said but so hard to do and they are not in your shoes.However there are others here on the site who will understand where you are coming from and have similar experiences.You could join the cares group or being a relative group.There is also the bladder cancer group I'm sure you will find support in those groups,You can also phone the Macmillan help line 0808 808 0000 where you can speak to someone in person.To join a group click on the tab at the top of the page that says groups to find the relevant group.There is also a very good group on Facebook Bladder Cancer Support if you send a friend request they will accept you.There too you will find lots of information,help and support.If you feel that some counselling could help you through this time then please seek this through your GP.I wish both you and your husband well Sending you a huge hug Cruton x