it begins

1 minute read time.

Okay so i don't normally blog or anything like that, however it's not everyday im faced with this circumstance. so here it goes, basically im 22 years old soon to be 23, male and have been diagnosed with Hodgkins lymphoma. it's at stage 4 and i have begun treatment, i have decided to try and do my best to keep a track of what's what in here. i have past experience with cancer in that my dad passed away after a short battle with NHL in 2007 and im determined to be as strong as he was and really push on and make a recovery.

May 2011- So it's been an up and down start to the process and now under way with chemo. Had my first cycle and about to start my 2nd on the 9th (all being well with bloods etc). after that will come a pet scan which i am looking to get a 'negative scan' which will mean that i am winning! So far signs are good, my original back pains from the cancer have gone, and the lump in my neck seems to have been reacting to the chemo. though i am feeling some side effects at times it's a small price to pay. if i have to go through hell and back to get myself better than that's just what i'll do. 

wish me luck on my journey as that is what i'm doing to everyone else out there in a similar boat to me!! 
