5 July, 2011

2 minute read time.

Well, it's finally warming up in Ireland....though they say it's been warm for a few days - up here on the mountain you wouldn't know ... go down to the valley and it's hotter. Loads of rain and wind from 7 o clock last night, thrashing the TV ariel around and making viewing almost impossible...snow storm and noise time, all night!


Gawd knows what it'll be like on chemo, but I tell you something, I've already had a rotten ulcerated mouth and last night....well, I won't spoil your breakfasts, but needless to say I'll have to go back to bed this morning but try and rehydrate myself beforehand.

I guess I'll find out if the MRI will be done or not tomorrow after the mess of yesterday - below is a copy of the post I put on another forum, where like-minded ladies are who also have breast cancer:

...today I find no one can tell me if I have an MRI on Wednesday, after being called by the BCN on Friday afternoon to tell me I did have an appointment for one on Wednesday at 9.am. Then the mail arrives and I find I have an appointment to begin Radiotherapy on Wednesday afternoon at 3pm..... that's the first I've heard of it and my treatment does not include radiotherapy.

How strange, I tell the department when I call, radio has never even been discussed with me - and I begin chemo in about three weeks. They tell me they had this referral a couple of weeks ago - I tell them I have not. I call the consultants secretary and ask her to explain what is going on. She says we'd be better off leaving it until tomorrow when I come for my checkup (can't be bothered checking this mess out, in other words)... Eh, I don't have an appointment for a checkup tomorrow...says I! Oh yes you do, says the sec. I tell them tomorrow is impossible as the elderly gent who brings me has an appointment himself with a Chiropractor.

So, the call is finished in the end with me calling and cancelling the radiotherapy appointment who are a little worried that I won't be there, even after telling them all of the above - and ask me to ask the BCN to confirm it tomorrow. I have to make four more calls and still not really get anywhere, except find out that it was true what they said on the news the other day...

.........that there are two thirds more administrators at Cork University Hospital, than nursing staff.

I might add that they all seem to have their noses in a place that doesn't smell beautiful either.

Still, I'm not waiting up today to find out the outcome of this call yesterday, to tell the truth the entire thing at CUH has been a catalogue of events that I would rather forget entirely. This is, of course, in the hopes that SUHT is better!
