28 June, 2011

1 minute read time.

Bad night last night... sobbing like a baby. Very difficult to bear all this and be alone.  Dear old Don, the old friend in who's extension I'm staying in until I'm permitted to go to Southampton, is sympathetic enough for sure, but it's not quite the same as having a girlfriend to share with.  Yesterday should have been the day that I went to Dublin to put in for yet another India Visa after the enforced two month gap that tourists now have...but of course I couldn't go.  I'm not  a tourist but it's the only way I could be there and stay with my son for these past ten years - so every few months I have had to leave.  Before December 2009 it would have only been for a few days while I went some place to get another visa and return but since then, I've had to leave my little one for ten weeks each time and have the foresight to figure out when Christmas was and whether that next visa would cover it....I can't be away from him at that time of all times.

Only, this time has been different - I can't go back.  So as far as I'm concerned today, my body has been hacked around, I've had to take chemicals I hate and my darling son is continents away.  I don't know when I will see him again and just when, after ten blimmin years, we had absolutely everything together for his study visa to be applied for.

I am a wreck...talk about the 'down part' of this god-awful rollercoaster...I want to get off........NOW!

  • FormerMember

    Hi Mackiedoo,

    First of all your not alone. You seem to be having a rough old time, and have some very difficult descisions to make

    in the near future. Now me Im from the Maiden City of

    Derry. and not from the lovely banks of the Lee. I am

    living in Scotland in a place called Prestwick. By you

    joining this site you can make as many friends as you

    want. We are here to help in anyway we can. If you want to talk,scream,roar or shout,  thats fine we have all been there and done it. You will never be alone,there is always some one here to talk to and if you wish you can send me a private message. and we

    can commuinicate that way.  If you look up my profile

    you will see what I mean... The main thing is to remember that things can turn around very quickly

    from not so good to being not so bad.. I wish you all the good luck in the world and hope things start to change for the better,and that you see your son sooner than later.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi mackiedoo, what about ye??

    You seem to be going through a very rough time. The Fair lady from The Beautiful City of Cork on the river Lee.

    Im from the maiden City of Derry. But am living in Prestwick in Scotland. You have done the right thing by joining this site. On here you will make many friends who are only too willing to help in anyway we can. If you are

    looking for friendship,advice help of any kind if we can

    we will.  I hope that your dreams come true and you see you little son as soon as possible. If you like

    look up my profile and have a look what Ive been up to.

    and we can always communicate by private message.

    if you wish.  Look after yourself.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx