22 May, 2011

1 minute read time.


A little apprehensive this afternoon as Monday draws near - knowing in my heart that my game plan will not really be acceptable to the hospital - but there has to be compromise - I won't be bullied.

First I want to see if there are any Mets (Metastasis) because of the cysts or whatever they are in my liver and kidneys and a growing discomfort with something in my neck etc... - BUT of course, this could all turn out to be stress - so then, we will leave it up to the docs - but I will not be lied to or deceived - had enough of that in this life!

We worry ourselves sicker, when sick - some people worry themselves sick in the first place (especially when they visit medical pages on the Internet which I have vowed not to do). I'd be six feet under already if I had done that and think I feel like I do (still in a kind of denial) because I have not been to any of these websites :-), but I'd rather be like this and wait for my team's findings than get scary stuff from the Internet :-(

Be well, be happy and do something kind for someone every day - go out of your way to do it, however small it may be - smile at people in the street and watch their faces light up, or at the very least you might get a hi or hello back. They may think about you afterwards when alone, and you won't have any idea how you might change that someone's life! Try it - it works beautifully - my son and I do it all the time and sometimes end up in hysterics at people's surprise that you bothered saying good morning or whatever !


A word from someone else can change someones life this day, just word :-)


Please visit my sons website (it is safe of course) and enjoy! :-)



