22 June, 2011

1 minute read time.

Appointment on Friday at 3pm for hospital post-op silly bra fitting, wound and drains check..and hopefully results - though I'm not holding my breath. Will also find out when chemo will begin and when I can start the transfer to Southampton, I hope.

Feeling low and sore, of course, up and down periods all day long. Miss my boy like crazy, it's been almost two months now and I should have been making my plans abut my return to life in India - and the study visa - but they have gone askew right now. Please say a little prayer for my son. Please God it won't be months til I see him again - it wont help the emotional part of the healing at all to be without my child. Have to call him Thursday....tell a little bit more....not all....not sure yet what I'll say....have to remember he is alone and shouldn't have any worries like this, although he knows I wont be back on time, he doesn't know when, yet.

I won't be able to go back to India to live, I know that. I won't be able to close our life in our house and pick what I wanted to keep and cherish and bring to the UK. I don't even know whether I will be able to bring him to the UK myself if he gets his visa (friends in Soton are working on this now) or whether all of the above will have to be done by someone else.

Someone said to me yesterday, when talking about something in their own life, that there was always tomorrow.......I replied that that was not a certainty at all because I am proof of how things can change in a heartbeat - and suddenly your entire world goes haywire...

Cancer is no respecter of persons !
