11 July, 2011

2 minute read time.

Well folks, time to finish the packing (done in the mornings when I'm relatively pain free) and closing up shop here in Ireland after being a resident for 17 and a half years. It'll feel sad to leave, and even more scary to be living alone for chemo - but I already have some support lined up......unlike Ireland support is there in the UK - and I hope there are not any nurses like in the breast cancer unit in Cork - otherwise it'll be out of the frying pan and into the fire !

Macmillan's have already offered me support and help with getting allowances and providing the forms for same - and that is wonderful.

My friends in Southampton (the same two who will try to get my son over to the UK AND have him when I am laid up) almost totally furnished the flat that they got for me, in just a few days - I would not have believed that people as good as this existed if I had never been in the position I am now - I am deeply indebted to them.

Spoke with my son on Saturday after a great deal of prayer that he wouldn't ask any open-ended questions that would cause me to have to tell him - I want so much to reserve that until his Godfather is with him in a little while, to apply for the study visa and pack up our house in India - then he will be able to have someone who loves him to bits there with him and will not feel so alone when he needs to ask questions after the phone call.

His Godfather has all the answers ready, including a lot of optimistic ones, so that my son may just be left with the fact that yes, I do have cancer, but that it looks like everything will be ok. Anything that happens after will be dealt with as it comes and I won't be alone in deciding what to tell him and when. Of course, it will be a shock when he finally sees me - but that will also be dealt with and I am sure that as he is old enough to understand, he will realise that it was not the best thing to have told him everything before he came over. Please pray that my friends in Southampton are successful in getting the study visa sorted and that he can come over to the UK very shortly.

And what of you - the friends who have also kept me going with your messages and love. You will always be in my heart, until I can get back online some place - probably before chemo starts I'd say... after that we'll have to see, but I won't be able to update for a week or so from Wednesday this week - got to give this laptop back too, as it's only borrowed. I thank Don for lending it to me as I don't know what the past few weeks would have been like without it - guess I'm just about to find out!

So, be safe, be happy and be well!

I send you thoughts, love, blessings and thankyous

and hopefully I'll be back on here soon.

