Just me

1 minute read time.

Have you noticed that a number of celebrities have been recounting their 'battle' with cancer lately? I have to admit that the C word often makes me look up and take notice when it is mentioned in newspaper columns. I would in no way take away the impact that this horrible illness has on people from whatever walk of life they come from but the one thing that never seems to be mentioned is the financial devastation that having this disease can have on people.The impact that a diagnosis has on people is the same whatever walk of life you come from and I would never wish to underestimate the emotional stress that it can cause, but for those of us who have financial constraints, remission or cure does not always have the effect that those in a fortunate position experience. I have read of people who re-examine their direction in life after cancer treatment, who look for added purpose or definition of themselves - oh to afford such luxury. Personally, I have had some of that experience but alas,  the threat of homelessness or bankruptcy after treatment does not allow such flights of fancy. The reality of the situation is that for people like me, the wonderful realisation of having beaten this disease so far, does not bring with it a choice to do things differently but an enormous uphill struggle just to exist.

Sorry if I sound bitter and yes I know that I am fortunate that I am still alive, but now I am tired and lacking energy and earning my daily bread is hard - not only that but if this horrid disease returns I don't know what I will do.

Anyone relate to these feelings or am I just ungrateful?



  • FormerMember

    No, you're not ungrateful: just realistic. I am only managing because my mother died last year and we have some money from her estate. If not for that, we would be in the poo big time. Because I'm breathless and tired all the time there's no question of my going back to work yet, and I'm starting to wonder whether I'll ever be fit enough to work full-time again. If that's the case, then it's goodbye, accustomed lifestyle, forever.

    Mind you, I'm not sure cancer would have given me any profound spiritual insights even if I were living in the lap of luxury. Profane, yes, it does make me swear a lot!

