new day

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well today have been less scared last night was total wreck not sure why the numb feeling had worn off and panic set in then was doughting what i thought doc said to me bet that quite normal they must be wrong i must have heard wrong i feel to well it be sick etc. today i more in wait and see well got mini buss booked to take us from local hospital to doncaster but as for coming back have no idea steve says we can always stop in hotel if worse comes to worse bless him trying to get day off to come with me or mum will.will they be able to tell me anything or will i have to wait for results back will they give me hospital app. while there or will it come through post and which hospital see head still spinning roll on tue, did not mention but they think it pancreatic lymphoma not sure which am so scared of all it might meen and will i be able to work day after biopsy ???? val
