Bye Dad

Less than one minute read time.

I haven't been on for a few weeks because my dad died on 4th July.

5 weeks ago tonight my mum was called in by the doctor to say that my dad had fluid on his lungs and around his heart and that he wasn't likely to last the weekend.  Luckily he got through the weekend and we managed to get him moved to Ty Olwen Hospice on the Tuesday.  He was there nearly a week.  I can't say enough about the amazing staff at the Hospice.  They made my dad's last few days really comfortable and made my mum and I so welcome.  My dad was lucky enough to have a room of his own and my mum and I didn't leave his side until he died at 5.05pm on Monday 4th July.

The world doesn't feel real right now and I don't think I have ever felt such pain in my life.

I can't believe that every step I take from now on is going to be without him. 



  • FormerMember

    Thomas, I am so, so sorry to hear your bad news. may he rest in peace.

    Deep peace of the running wave to you.

    Deep peace of the flowing air to you.

    Deep peace of the quiet earth to you.

    Deep peace of the shining stars to you.

    Deep peace of the infinite peace to you.

    Just take one day, one hour, one minute at a time.

    Sue xx

  • I'm sorry for your loss. I have loved and lost many people in my life and know the pain of which you speak. You may not believe it now, but slowly, slowly, your heart will mend and one day you will only smile at the memories of good times with your dad.


  • FormerMember

    so sorry for your loss, lost my dad to prostate cancer 4 years ago ,similar experience with hospice and superb nurses. perhaps every step you take from now on will be because of him, thinking of his wisdom before stepping .now my dad pops up in my head and i see his warm grin not sorrow , i can enjoy thinking of him and that is great for me. look after yourself x

  • FormerMember

    Dear Thomas, I am so sorry to read your sad news.

    Please remember that your dad is no longer suffering and will live on in your heart.

    Take care and please continue to come on site and get some much needed support.

    Best wishes, Christine xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Thomas,

    Im sorry to hear about your Dad may he R.I.P. The pain will gradually ease, yes it will take a long time. But dont think that every step you take from now on will be without your Dad.  He will be in you heart and in your memories.

    You will never be alone and you know where to come if you want to have a talk there is always someone here to listen.

    Take care my Friend. Regards Sarsfield.