"On Grief and Grieving"

Less than one minute read time.

I've just finished reading a book called "On Grief and Grieving" by Elisabeth Kubler-Ross & David Kessler... and one thing that I had not realized before, was something called: Anticipatory Grief. We anticipate birthdays, holiday celebrations, and vacations with heightened senses, We also anticipate the potential or real loss of someone we love with heightened senses as well. We are gieving while we are caring. Grief is the process that leads to healing.

The authors reiterate and clarify the meaning of the "5 Stages of Grief", and also talk about grieving during the Holidays.

ISBN #   978-0-7432-6629-1

My Love & Hugs to all.


  • FormerMember

    Hi Maureen, when you loose a loved one

    and are told that there are 5stages of

    grieving often people dont understand

    what this means. For many years i was

    a nurse caring for people with terminal

    cancer in a hospice. I was told about the

    5stages of grief and i hope i was able to

    help relatives after there loss. But when i

    lost my own mum all the lessons i had

    learnt about grief just went out the

    window. Yes i went thru all the stages and

    it wasn,t until i started to get my life back

    on track that i realised grief is a safety

    net for us all when we have lost a love

    one, but you have to go thru it to truly

    understand the meaning . The anger,

    denial, depression, and hopelessness

    is a journey, and you do get out the other

    side, for some it takes longer, but you

    never forget that person and it will always

    hurt, but the pain gets quieter, thats the

    only way i can explain . Life goes on, but

    its very hard to understand that when you

    are greaving.

    With Love Lucylee. xx

  • FormerMember

    Very Beautifully Put, Lucylee!!!

    Love & Hugs, Mo