"Foods That Fight Cancer"

Less than one minute read time.

Must Read Book by 2 Canadian cancer researchers from the University of Quebec in Montreal called:

"Foods That Fight Cancer" , by Richard Beliveau and Denis Gingras.

ISBN: 0-7710-1135-0

They explain on a molecular level, why these foods prevent and slow down cancer and how these foods eaten in combination can work exponentially.

They have since written 2 other books:

"Cooking With Foods That Fight Cancer", and "Eating Well, Living Well".

If you're interested, I can get you the ISBN #'s for those as well.

Sending you all love & hugs!


  • Mau, please do send me the ISBN numbers for the other two......Caz is very into sorting her diet, she eats very healthily anyway, but having more knowledge can't hurt!

    love to you

  • FormerMember

    Just had a look on Amazons website and they have the first 2 of the books on there.

  • FormerMember

    Thanks, Helen, and thanks, Sharon, for letting me know.

    The second book that they wrote:

    "Cooking With Foods That Fight Cancer"  has amazing recipies from Gourmet French Canadian Cuisine! The ISBN # is:  978-0-7710-1136-8.

    The third book - "Eating Well, Living Well" was just recently published. Here, they discuss the impact of diet on cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancer and Alzheimer's. The ISBN # is: 978-0-7710-1138-2.

    These 3 books are all the rage in Canada right now. Just thought I'd share it with all of you.

    Love, Mau

  • FormerMember

    Just finished reading the whole thing, adding bookmarks wherever they mention oesphageal cancer. I will be trying to add these foods or increase them in our diet. I found out about "foods to fight cancer" from a breast cancer survivor. Thanks for posting this on Macmillan.