June 2011 Update

1 minute read time.

 Right now I feel like we are sitting on the train tracks awaiting an oncoming train!!! Hubby saw his Oncologist 2 weeks ago and the Oncologist told him that although the rate of growth of his tumours has slowed down (the rate of growth seems to speed up and then slow down every three months) , they feel that there is one that is starting to invade one of his bronchia and that he should be starting Palliative Chemo "before it's too late" - meaning before it gets too far into the bronchia - in which case it could potentially cause pneumonia.... If it does, then they would be unable to offer him palliative chemo... They are saying that he could have another 5 or 6 more years with the chemo. 
Then Last Week, he saw his Tibetan Dr. who assured him that as the rate of growth of his tumours have slowed down, he has nothing to worry about and his Tibetan Meds were REDUCED!!!! So I'm feeling like I'm on a razor's edge!!!  - Same results, opposite conclusions.

Hubby is, of course, going to continue taking Tibetan Meds - or Anything other than more Chemo, until a crisis actually hits. Also, two of his tumours have grown together and are pressing mildly on his esophagus. But nobody is worried about that. There are also "suspicious Osseus lesions" - but again, neither sides are worried about that.

He continues to cough a little more, and seems to be a bit more tired.

I'm going to visit my grandson tomorrow and watch him at his baby  swimming lessons.

Thank you for indulging me and letting me off-load some of this frustration with the unknown.

Love to you all !!!!!!!!!!!!

Mo  xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Mo,

    I still liken diagnoses and prognosis amongst medics dealing with clinical information to that of mechanics and faulty cars.

    Allow me to explain. When you have a problem with your car you often will find differing opinions between garages, as to the correct remedy, and though you may not be a car expert, you often are able to sense,  a gut feeling, {No pun intended} which expert to trust.  Coming back to health. Specialists can disagree or confuse you with their respective views about diagnostic results and the correct treatment. You are still left with forming your own choice between what is being offered. Just as with the car, I believe you must choose with your sixth sense, more often than not you will be right.

    Always be aware that one of the experts will be less right than the other.

    I too love the company of my grandchildren. They are therapy for many troubling issues.

    Best wishes to you both

    Love Charles xx

  • Just to say I'm thinking of you and him too, Mo.....enjoy your wee grandson.

    Charles is right, 'experts' always seem to have differing opinions, but 'gut' instincts do work.

    my love and big hugs for you, Sis,

    Helen xxxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Aaawww Jess - That's the problem with 20 / 20 hindsight. I'm so sorry that your father didn't get to meet your son! It's so hard to make decisions when there are no guarantees, I guess.

    Thank you Helen & Charles for the references to Gut Feelings.

    As to Charles' Car metaphores - I suppose we all tend to "Clutch" at hope, to try to "Reverse" the illness, and "Throttle" the pessimists. (Sorry about that - but if we didn't have a sense of humour, we would have crashed long ago!!!)