Hubby Says: May 2011 Update

1 minute read time.

We asked them to Fax us the result of the latest CT scan and they DID!!!!!!!!!! So here's what hubby wrote to his Tibetan Doctor:

"Here is my latest CT scan…


The tumours are showing VERY SLIGHT  increase which is an improvement over the last one.  I want to remind you that on the last one, I had to not take Tibetan Medicine for a couple of weeks before the scan because of bowel problems from my Colonoscopy.  I now feel that the increase on the previous scan was in part due to that.


The main new things are the pressure on the esophagus from one of the tumours, the joining of 2 tumours, and the new appearance of “suspicious osseous lesions”.   The previous 2 scans showed gradual infiltration into 2 lymph nodes. Since the Feb 22nd scan, I have been thinking seriously about whether I should take chemo or not.


I would rather not have to, of course, and, by the end of my previous chemo experience, my white blood counts and my fatigue level were very low.  It felt like I was killing myself and then trying to recover.  I would not be too happy having to go through that again and so I’m trying to delay that experience as long as possible.


Of course, the difficult, if not impossible decision is to guess how much time I can go feeling relatively good with my current efforts versus how long I can last through the chemo process.  I feel like I have to decide if I want to die early of cancer with health until a sudden collapse near the end – or if I want a longer drawn out death from chemo and its side effects.


I would appreciate your advice and any other recommendations that you might have."

(me again) - There is nothing that I can add. I think this says it all!!! 

Hugs to you all. 



  • FormerMember


    If the chemo made him feel ill last time, and he is reasonably well, then I would say not to bother.

    David only had his radiotheraphy because the consultant told us that she could remove the tumours. This simply isn't the case. Befoer he could concentrate on things for about an hour, now he struggles for 10 minutes.

    In my experiance any offer of Radio or chemo without surgery is simply to try and prolong life, not get rid of the tumours.

    He could end up going through chemo and feel worse afterwards all for nothing, it seems his other medication seems to be working for him, in my opinion you should stick with that.

    Good luck

  • FormerMember

    We saw the Oncologist today to discuss these CT scan results, and this is what L wrote:

    "OK - CT scan news - good news = some of the 25 tumours show no change, most have changed "very slightly" - bad news = 2 tumours grew together and are now pressing slightly on the esophagus, 1 tumour is starting to compress a bronchial tube, 1 tumour is still wrapping around a small artery - Doctor's conclusion = probably, if it continues in this way, we will have to start palliative chemo within the next 6th months to avoid pneumonia type infections.  - My conclusion = I'm still functioning reasonably well, but I'll have to decide at what point the risk of getting worse outweighs the risks involved in chemo and its side effects. - OY VEY

    I still walked for 40 minutes before the doctor’s appointment and my appetite is still too good and so, so far, I’m doing pretty well…"

    (me again:)

    So - we've clarified a few things, but - he still wants to wait!!!!!!!!

    Thanks for all your messages. We appreciate hearing from all of you.

    Love & Hugs to you all.

    Maureen xxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Mo,

    Can't work out whether it is good or bad news there but it is good that Larry is still well. I am soldiering on without chemo as it never works for me but I am taking LDN. I am having a scan on 17th so I may have some news but I may not have had it long enough by then.

    Love and strength

    Jen XX

  • FormerMember

    Dear Jen

    We also cant figure out whether Larry's results are good or bad either - but he is well, and the rate of growth has slowed back down again.

    Best wishes for good results of your next scan. I do hope you will have good news!!!

    Love and Big hugs to you!!!

    Mo xxx