Poo(h) sticks save the day

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In 2015 I was invited by the NHS bowel screening programme to send them samples of my stools, which I did promptly. It was the second time I was taking part, the first time two years before the test was clear. But this time I was asked to repeat, then to have a colonoscopy (upthebottomy as I call it), which showed signs of a polyp turning cancerous. But we caught it early, and after keyhole surgery and three days in hospital I was discharged. Two weeks later I got the "all clear" too, as the biopsy showed no spread. No chemotherapy needed, it was all back to normal except for annual upthebottomies to check on my polyps - apparently I am a "grower" of polyps, it is hereditary.

.Ever since then, I became a staunch advocate for any kind of preventive or early warning test for any condition, and in particular for bowel cancer - playing the Poo(h) Sticks game, as I call it. Apparently only 60% of those invited take part. It should be 100%, I proved that it is worth it!
