I am going mad!!!

1 minute read time.

Can all this be in my head!!!! Been a difficult year so far, had major problems with my Blood Pressure- Gp put me on several different medication, had side effects to them all. Beg of June went away for a long weekend and forgot to take my tablets - came back feeling a different person! but still had the pains in my abdo (not crippling pain) just always there. thought it may go in a few week but it didnt - went back to GP, sent for an Ultrasound on Pelvic/Ovaries - US showed - small cyst on one ovary and fluid on the other, returned to GP - cysts nothing to worry about and should go on their own! well its about 2 months down the line and still I have abdo pain every day. GP had a 'press and feel' of my abdo and says cant feel anything, wondering what this is now - could it just be inflammation from the years of BP medication (been on them 5 years in total). Ulcers ?? stomach cancer??? could it still be ovarian cancer ?? could it be anxiety (split up with husband this year due to his extra marital activities)!!!  (still think about this every day - it was very messy and nasty) GP thinks I am  worrying unnecessarily!!  The pain is  constantly there - from the moment I open my eyes to the moment I close them - started on Probiotic drink this week to see if that helps! will give it a few days then back to GP I think! So many people get missed until it's too late - worried it will be me. 

  • FormerMember

    I think you have to trust that if there was something, your doctor would be asking the questions and the right answers would trigger a further investigation.  Ovarian cysts do come and go each cycle, it's quite natural.  With all the stress you're under you probably have an irritable bowel and worrying will keep it there.  It's a vicious circle.  It happens you worry.  You worry it happens.  You just need some reassurance that nothing is wrong and then you'll start to forget about it and slowly return to normal.  Good luck.

  • FormerMember

    thanks Mollyb for your reply, given myself a good talking to this afternoon, going to try and put my woes out of my mind to see if the pain improves.(might be easier said than done but here goes)

    dont really talk to anyone about much. (bottle things up a little) I am always the happy go lucky one/ easy going, fun to be with.

    if the pain persists I will go back and discuss with GP and insist on further tests, 

    what will be will be - worrying wont do much good. 

    thanks again. 
