Things Progressing

2 minute read time.

Hi started this blog but do not know what i am doing really.  Not sure how all this blog thing works so i hope i manage to create this blog.

Just want to write how things seem to be progressing with my hsubands illness. 

Short description of how things are.  My husband is a stroke victim and is unable to communicate but his intelligence has not been affected.  It has been like this for 12 years and i have basically made most of his judgements for him or as the medical profession put it i am his advocate.  Since being diagnosed with inoperable lung cancer last August it has added extra pressure to my role as his carer.

After being diagnosed without a biopsy it was decided that no further treatment would be offered only palitive care for any symptoms due to the fact he just wanted a quiet life without doctors and tests having had enough of this over the last 12 years. Having treatment would not have made a lot of difference and we had to take into account that it would have made him ill anyway.  So here we are now.  After nothing being much different for the last 8 months he is now getting more and more tired.  I am predicting what will happen next before it happens and seem to be getting it right.  Over the last two weeks he has started sleeping most of the day now has no interest in doing any of his little chores or hobbies.  I then predicted that getting in and out of the bath would be a problem.  This was the case today, so that is something i am going to have to sort out.  This next problem may sound silly but he needs a hair cut and i know that tomorrow will be the last time i will be able to get him in the car and get him to the barbers and believe it or not it is important that i do this so that is the top of my list tomorrow. 

I once read a post that it was best to get all the things which you need for bath and toilet time ready for when assistance was needed.  I now see the sense in this but at the time i did not want to have these things around and offend my husband.  I am just hoping that it does not take long to get these things in place.

I hope my blogs will help other people when they are reaching the end.  I do not want to upset anyone and if anyone can read my blogs and give me further advice please do.  Now here is the best part of this blog my husband is obviously getting closer to the end, how close i do not know, but as yet does not seem to be in any pain or distress.  I am trying to stay calm and in control for him and i think there is a nice atmosphere in my home at the moment and i hope i can keep it like that for him.

Thanks for listening.  My thoughts are with everyone out there in this awfu situation.  xxxxx





  • FormerMember

    Dear Linda,

    Just wanted to say that your husband is lucky to have such a wonderful wife. I am also glad he isn't in any pain. Although I am on here for having cancer, my mum died of it so I know a little of what you are now going through.

     There is help out there for you, so please don't feel like you have to do it all on your own. Have you got a Macmillan nurse? If not, speak to them and see if you can get someone to come in and give you a hand when you need it. Either them, or Marie Curie or the local hospice will help and they can also help you with special beds and bathing things etc.

    Sometimes, its even just about getting a bit of time to yourself to go out and have a coffee or a haircut or something. These things are important as you need to be ok to look after him, so please don't forget yourself in all of this.

    There is a group on here for people in your position and I think they help eachother out a lot. Its called something like for those living with a terminally ill spouse or something.

    I wish you strength for you journey ahead and don't worry about upsetting people, Your blog is your blog to say what needs to be said, and we are here to support you.


    Little My

  • FormerMember

    Dear Linda

    You and your husband must be incredibly strong people; I was in awe reading your blog.

    I hope the Mac site helps bring you support and companionship during the next difficult stage of your life together.

    - Hilary

  • FormerMember

    Hi Linda

    Can´t help you but thinking of you!

    Little My has given some great advice.

    Make sure you look after yourself as well

     Big Hugs to you!

    Crazygirl xxxxxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Dear Linda

    My heart goes out to you and your wonderful husband, I  feel your pain as i was there not so long ago

    with my beautiful son Nicky who passed aged 28 with secondary breast cancer, you are so brave and I 

    wish I could have been, I am here if you need anyone to talk to, i dont have any advise as we are all so different but just keep doing what you are doing and let him  know how much you love and care for him.

    Take care and accept any help that is offered.

    Love and hugs 


  • FormerMember

    Hi Linda,

    What already shines through on your blog is the love of two people no matter what is thrown at them and that can never be taken away.

    There is much support on this site and you may find the carers group and the Lung cancer group helpful. I do hope you have all the community care set up at home for you both.  Mac millan and district nurse visits, gp home visits and marie curie night sittings to give you a rest.  Carers to help you with basic nursing care and all the equipment needed to do so.  I nursed my dad recently and all these services were put into place which certainly helped.

    It is a very demanding time both pysically and mentally but ofcourse you know that already.  Please try to take some time out to recharge your batteries, somehow, somewhere!!!!!!

    Befriend and PM me at any time and i send you a simple huge hug

    Take care

    Jan xxx