Does this journey ever get any better???

1 minute read time.

I came on here as I need a little rant. Life is a little difficult at the moment......Dad is not great and when I saw him at the weekend he was really down and fed up. Not surprising. He is still taking the inhibitors but seeing no improvement, the alternative is .....well we all know what the alternative is. How hard to have to choose between having no quality of life because of the side effects and the other. Poor mum is going out of her mind. She gets very upset and keeps saying that nothing will ever be the same again and she is right. Dad has no energy and sits in his chair all day. He does not want to go anywhere and has no interest in anything. I wish I had a magic wand to make it better for them. I find it so hard to watch my family falling apart and knowing there is nothing that I can do to make it better for them. I love them both so much. Evey time we are told that it has spread we think things cannot get any worse and every time it does. He has battled so bravely bless him but he is loosing more and more of himself. Sorry to rant and be negative but I need to let it out and here seems the best place to do it.
