My first examination after treatment

2 minute read time.

After my radiotherapy, chemotherapy and brachytherapy back in Feb-April, I went to see my consultant 22nd May. He did an internal examination and was very pleased with my response to treatment. He said my cervix appeared normal again and he could not feel any issues therefore was extremely happy with the results. He said there didn't appear to be much scar tissue and so this is a relief as well as it will make things easier in the future for intimate times between me and my partner and future examinations. So I am happy. But I will be even happier when I have had my MRI as I think this will help me to really believe it has gone. I say I am happy and I really do mean it but there are also moments of fear as well. I want to feel completely free of this big black cloud and it is still lingering for the meantime and I have no idea how long it will stay. A bit like the British weather really! I imagine it will be with me for many years to come but as time goes on, each month it will lift a little bit more and eventually I hope for it to disappear to a mere wisp of a cloud. For the time being I need to treasure the new I have received, try and repair the immediate damage by taking care of myself and emotionally get stronger to fight the long-term changes it has caused me. I have a lot to deal with, especially the fact that I can no longer have children, but one step at a time. The 1st step: to physically get to my new normality. Step 2: To emotionally repair with some counselling Step 3: To re-start all my hobbies and little things in life that make me, me. Step 4: To gain control on what I wish to do with my future and this also involves believing that I have beaten and will remain cancer free Step 5:.......not sure of the next step but I think 4 steps are enough to keep me going. :)

One last thing. I am SOOOOO proud of everyone who lives with or has had cancer. You are all so brave. I think the human mind is a wonderful thing and it never fails to amaze me where we pull our strength from. There may be times of weakness where we all feel a little defeated but I truly believe that we are all so strong and I now realise what amazing creatures we are. Cancer may affect our body but our individual personalities, love and ability to smile even when going through such a difficult time can never be touched by cancer. xxxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi there,

    My comment seemed to disappear into the ether, will try again, but will be a bit shorter this time!!

    Firstly whooohoooo for good results :) Sounds like you have a good plan sorted out for the next steps... counselling is a good idea as this is the time when your head can get a bit spinny... I posted you a link to an article that really helped me at this stage and am wondering if that is why the comment disappeared. If you google Dr Peter Harvey article 3 after treatment... you should find it. It kind of talks about your plan...

    I have a lot of scarring after my pelvic RT (anal cancer) and I have to use dilators now. I have been offered a lot of help if I ever want it, so don't be shy in asking if the scarring causes you any problems etc there is a lot they can do to help if you need it...

    Remember this feeling as it is all too easy to get sucked into the hurly burly of life and start to forget what is important.

    So lovely to hear good news :)

    Big well done happy hug to you

    Little My x


  • FormerMember

    Great news and good luck with your plan. let us know how it goes. And if you do need help and support we are here, but it sounds as though you will manage magnificently!


  • FormerMember

    Hi Guys


    Sorry it's taken me so long to comment. It's hit and miss as to when I can get on the internet. I'm doing the best I can to recover. I love the article by Dr Harvey, it explains the aftermath so well. I might show it to my partner as I think he may be in the group of "put it all behind you now and forget about it". Not as easy as that is it guys!

    Started my counselling last Wednesday, it's amazing where those sessions take you! You end up talking about things you didn't even know was worrying you and then it seems a little clearer afterwards. Facing the challenges brought up in those sessions it a different matter but that's what they are there for, to help you gain confidence to face them or let go.


    Anyway, hope everyone is coping well. I'm learning to enjoy every day and trying not to get bogged down with bad thoughts, hope everyone else doing the same xxx