A Tough Gig

1 minute read time.

Testicular Cancer is sometimes dismissed as one of the more trivial Cancers. A highly treatable and survivable cousin to the others; a quick and effective surgical procedure followed by tough regime of chemo. A rosy future of routine checkups and blokey missing-ball jokes then follows; Cancer fading into a sepia sunset.

A tough-gig is how a friend reacted when I told him about my Testicular Cancer, and somehow this simple turn of phrase has stayed with me. I can’t say it offers any comfort, but I like it all the same.

My tough-gig happens to be packed-full of atypical symptoms and physical eruptions, of close-encounters with death and moments where all dignity is lost. There are the encounters with people and gestures that have renewed my faith in humanity. And there are the inevitable dealings with the welfare system and it’s apparatchiks – where a baser side of humanity is revealed.

I’m well enough now to lift a pen and type, albeit sporadically in-between chemo doses. And I’m eternally grateful to my Partner and friends, the doctors , nurses and hospital staff who have got me this far.

And I thank you, stranger or friend, for reading this post. It means a lot to have companionship during this tough-gig.

  • FormerMember

    Hi Tufnell,

    Ther is no need to tell you that there is no such thing as a trivial Cancer and anyone who does, knows little about the desease. As you say the treatment in its self, can be difficult and very Painful and where self dignity can be lost.

    So I wish you all the best my Friend, and Good Luck with the rest of your treatment.

    Take care and be safe Sarsfield.

  • Hi Tufnell

    cancer is a tough gig no doubt about it. the value of support of family and friends can not be stressed enough by those who receive this diagnosis.

    Some cancers do not seem to be high profile mine was kidney cancer.

    I remember some years ago when I worked as a therapist I ran a well man group this particular day the subject was testicular cancer I obtained pardon the pun silicone balls that had minute lumps in them so that they could be passed around the group for them too recognise what they should be looking for on self examination.The group went well considering I was the only female and they all felt they had learnt something however when I asked them would you talk about this with your son,friend,brother etc they all became embarrassed and said don't think so men don't talk about that down the pub.

    One or two said they would leave out or give the information leaflets to others.I found it hard to understand that something that may help get early diagnosis and treatment could or would not be discussed.

    I think anything to raise the profile of the distant cousins and I count my cancer amongst them can only be a good thing

    Wishing you all good things

    Scraton x

  • FormerMember

    Thanks so much for the comments. I think awareness and understanding of Testicular Cancer is still way too low, and yes the embarrassment factor plays a big part in this. The thing I found out is that although its rare– its incidence can be quite high in men who are quite fit ( a real irony there). I’ve always been a runner and quite a lot of the guys mentioned on the wikipedia page are American Sportsmen.