I hope that my words can be some kind of comfort, everyone's pain is different but we are all the same in the way our heart breaks

3 minute read time.
When the pain from your heart overflows into your lungs, making each breath painful and feeling as though the air is not enough, when the clouds are the deepest shade of grey and your skin isn’t so tough, when your walls are broken and the edges are rough, just reach out your hand for this I will always hold. This pain we feel, will not last forever, or so we are told, our lives start to change shape, bend and mould, mould into that of fear, anger and hate, but what is it we are angry at? For love has not changed, the person that once was, still is and the heart that loves, still beats, so why do we have such hatred, such anger and such depth, we know why we are angry, angry at that. That, is something that has no feeling, no pity nor shame, that takes shape of a loved one, a friend, someone you know, it’s hard to believe you feel this way, have you hit an all time low? Let me tell you this, you may be feeling angry, you may be feeling hurt but let me tell you something, no one is to blame, for that, has not got ears nor has it got feelings, but the soul in which that, has developed, still lives on, they live on through the love they give, the love they receive and the life in which they and you live, the frustration is not for them, nor is it for yourself, you are every bit useful for every part of their heart is filled with the love you gave, their ears filled with the laughs you shared, and their eyes filled with the smiles you had, sometimes there is nothing to blame but blame itself, we need not concentrate on what is to blame but know that finding a way to blame is not the way to satisfaction, for satisfaction is not what we seek, we seek a life filled with love, care and health, with these three things there is no source of blame, for these are the positive, the positive that we create, we create these positives for the side effects, laughs, smiles, comfort, safety, friendships, these are all still for the taking and take we must, romance, passion and lust, these are things that shape us and make us, so when you feel that hatred, the pure anger for that, just know that the positives are still there for the taking, don’t bury that in the dust. Know that when the path gets harder, darker and far from home, in such times it is difficult for one to be bold but you will never be alone, just reach out because your hand I will always hold. Know that the hatred you posses is for something with no feelings, something that doesn’t care and something that will never know, it is not a person, it is not a thing, it is a that, a that that, although has no voice, is the loudest that can be heard, a that with such strength that it becomes a weakness, it is that you hate, it is that you loathe but why is it here, this you never chose! I wish I could answer why it was here, in fact I don’t, because if I had it my way that would never exist, thus meaning this hurtful question could just disappear. It doesn’t make sense and it doesn’t add up, all the money in the world we are trying to raise, raise for the cure, the cure will save, so this question of pain will cease not remain. I may understand your hurt, I may understand your hate, please don’t be set on finding a blame for there is none, just a soul, a heart, a dad or a mum that still needs your love, your love and your time, they need to know they have filled your heart, filled it with love, for they are still them, every single part. There is nothing that can prepare you, nothing that you can be told, just know that when you reach out, your hand I will always hold.