Dont know whats wrong with me

1 minute read time.

This infection and gaping wound is really getting me down, l am so tired and my mood is so low. I looked at the wound trying to reasure myself that this will all come good but does it no it doesnt. I cant bear the way that my body looks right now yet l have to keep looking. Dont know wether l am looking for improvement or just to make sure its no worse but l just keep doing it. I cant even wee properly l have tried every position on that toilet seat and yet each time l wee it shoots out to the side directly where everything is so open. The nurses come in each day dress the wounds but there is no point as soon as l wee it all falls out. It stings like hell. Tonite another 3 stitches are open sitting there doing nothing l hate it all.They say dont let yourself get constipated some hope of that 2 days of profuse diarrhoea ? due to the antibiotics..................Augmentin 625 mg and Metrodiazole 400 mg to say its a mess is an many showers can a person take in a day it seems like they are never ending. How will these wounds ever heal with dressings that wont stay in place, wee and poo constantly getting in the wounds, when will this all end. Ok so my rant and feeling sorry for myself is over for now but he just better not say tomorrow oh well we knew this could happen, l KNOW WE DID but it dont make it no easier

  • FormerMember

    Do you know Silence, this cancer shit really does take us through some dark and dreadful places. You are going through a really shitty bit (pardon the pun) right now but it honestly will get easier. That's not said lightly 'cos I know when the recovery days/weeks drag on they can sure get us down so just rant away on here and we will listen and understand and answer you with a simple hug 'cos that's all we can do.

    I had my arse hole/rectum removed and a lovely scar right round my perinium, ouch. I used to get the mirror and position it and have a good look and I really didn't like what I saw. Also had a stoma to get used to with smelly diarrehoea ugh. I was lucky 'cos I escaped infection which makes a huge difference. I'm two years down the line from you now and my scar I don't even think about or notice and my stoma is my friend and life saver and it doesn't stop me doing anything I did before.

    There is ligtht at the end of that tunnel honest.

    Take care my friend and I hope tomorrow and beyond bring better days for you.

    Jan xxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi, I've just read your blog and my heart goes out to you. Until recently  I was lucky enough to be unaware of how hard life can really be. I to have been a single mother in the past tho now am happily married. I real feel for you and hope things go well for you. x

  • FormerMember
    Just wanted to send you a really big hug xxx my latest wound took so much longer to heal than I was told and I had days where I felt so down about it all but it did start to heal and you will get there . In the meantime, huge hugs from me as I know how low it can make you feel. Going you can get your chin up soon xxx
  • FormerMember

    Hi Jan and Dawncarla

    thank you both so much for your replies it means so much right now.I feel lost and so alone in all this crap and cant wait for my mom to return from holiday she didnt want to go but l insisted but now im 45 years old and l want my mom sounds crazy l know. Right now as l sit here tpying this tears pour down my face and why l dont know l guess its just how it is today. j

    Jan thank you for sharing your positivity it helps it so does to see a light at the end of the tunnel and dawncarla thank you for your understanding and empathy. Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day

    Mandy xxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Little My

    thank you so much for the huge hugs think l really need them at the moment. Tomorrow is a new day as they say so thank you once again. Huge hugs back

    Mandy xx