Does it improve ??

1 minute read time.

Went to see my consultant armed with my mom and a whole list of questions. Seems to me that everything is so so matter of l even matter in all of this l am beginning to wonder. The last doc left me with the information that although there is no spread to lymph nodes margins were VIN 3 in a few places. Ok so now l want to know what that means for me

they will monitor me every 3 months....................ok good mm well no its not.How long will l have to do that for ...........indefinately you will never be discharged from this clinic. I have been told to monitor myself in between visits for any changes erm not so sure about that one as didnt have symptoms before if l didnt get the abscesses then l still wouldnt know l had cancer there.

Consultant said we observe you every 3 months and WHEN it changes not if we can do more surgery. What you mean l have to go through all this again well maybe yes.Where will you get the skin from oh dont worry about that part there is still alot more that can be removed......................really???????

Oh and another bomb shell because of my history......................CIN, lots and lots of treatment followed by hysterectomy,  VIN, Cancer vulva l am now at an in creased risk of developing AIN. My consultant says the risk is increased due to vulvar cancer but it just makes me wonder if there is any part of my lower body that this wont affect.

So l sit here whinging and moaning when many people have it worse than me..............l need to hurry up and heal so l can get myself back to work and some sort of normality. The thought of lying there legs spread for all to see for the rest of my life well it doesnt appeal it really doesnt.

Need to record this as an angry kick cancers ass day cus l have so had enough!!!!!!!

  • FormerMember

    hi mandy, dont know what i did there???? pressed something i shouln't have!!!!

    was wondering how you are, really hope things are moving forward for you, and that you feel a bit brighter, whatever, am sending you a big hug and a cuddle,  love kaitie xxxxx

  • FormerMember

    My thoughts are with you l go in for my op on 8th september, dreading it. Take it you already had the op any advice you can give please do

  • FormerMember

    Hi Katie

    sorry l havent been around for a while its just taking me some time to get my head around everything. Physically things are settling down some with infection finally clearded up after 5 rounds of antibiotics lol and now the open wound is slowllllyyyyyyyyyyyyy closing. Emotionally l am still on a bit of a rollercoster but today was a better day so maybe the antidepressants are finally kicking in. Thank you for the hugs and the cuddle l seem to have needed alot of these since my surgery. It seems everyone around me is as exhausted as l am but tomorrow is a new day.

    Taysocks thank you for your kind words.............Good luck for your surgery on the 8th as for advice l will help in any way that l can..............for me the most important thing has to be to listen to what my body was telling me. Rest plenty and try to eat as healthy as you can to assist the healing. Everyone is different and hopefully you wont experience as many hiccups as l had but when l did l came here and the advice and support from everyone was what got me through some dark , and lonely days. You are not alone and we are all here for you in any way we can. If there is something specific you want to ask to settle your mind any then just ask away. Take care and good luck let us know how it all goes for you xxxx


    mandy xx

  • FormerMember

    Hope you are coping mandy and also hope taysocks has come through ok.

    I have only just begun this awful journey following vulva biopsy. I have been asked to see the consultant next  Monday to discuss results and treatment. I feel very tearful and depressed. The biopsy was bad enough, no cream to numb the area before injections. Nearly passed out with pain.

    I am dreading what is to come. My husband will come with me, and hopefully he will be able to absorb what I will probably miss in all the jargon

    Still in shock actually, because the registrar who performed the biopy was very indifferent, and from this attitude, I felt I was a time waster and nothing was really wrong. Grrr!

    Any tips re what to ask, from those with experience would be welcome.