The day we found out...

2 minute read time.

I can remember looking at the Professor, who came into the hospital room with three others of his staff.  I knew deep down what he was going to say, and I sat near to him while he told my husband that there was nothing more that could be done for him.  There was some talk about the whys and wherefores, and then the Prof stood up, and made to leave, then my husband asked the question, the white elephant that had been in the room, how long do I have left

The Prof and his team sat back down again and he said about a couple of months, but if we cannot get the bleed in the tumour under control, it may be sooner.

After the team had gone, the shock in the room was palpable..our younger daughter and our son had been there with us and they quietly left my husband and I alone.  Hubby cried and said he had not been expecting this news.  He knew that the fifth different chemo was not working, in fact the Prof had mentioned it might have provoked the bleeding, but he was not anticipating such bad news.

I felt myself going into a automatic stage, and whilst I too cried, I could not begin think how my husband must have been feeling.

We know the hospital and the staff have all gone the extra mile in attempting to halt the course of the cancer, which is synovial sarcoma in the abdomen, and that they have been absolutely wonderful in their care. Hubby wants to get things in order at home and is anxious to get home as soon as possible. They have managed to stop the bleeding with clotting agents, he is now on steroids, but eats only ice cream and is drinking something called Irn-Bru, which somehow seems to satisfy his thirst without making him nauseous, but that is all that he is having, and maybe will be discharged next week.

Our family are all over the place emotionally, our children are obviously concerned about me as well as their father, whilst still trying to cope with their own feelings.

Life as we know it is irrevocably changed.... I only pray for the strength to hold myself together and be there for my husband, and I also pray that when the end does come, there is no pain, and most importantly, no fear for my husband because that would be almost unbearable to witness.

And so we try to live whilst we are waiting for my beloved husband to die....

  • FormerMember

    I am so sorry DG and cannot imagine how you are feeling,  this is probably the time most of us are dreading,  I wish you the strength you need now to cope and hope your husband has a peaceful passing with the love of you and your children by his side.   Much love and hugs.   Angie. 

  • FormerMember
    I am so sorry to read your sad news. Your husband must be going through all sorts of emotions. I dread the day I am told that. My thoughts are with you all. X
  • FormerMember

    DG cant say how sorry I am to read your news. i have only just joined this site and it has opened my eyes to the heartache going on in this world due to cancer. I don't really believe in God but I promise I will say a prayer for you and your hubby anyway xx 

  • FormerMember
    It is 10 years since my mum and dad sat in a room like you and your husband to be told the same news. My dad was given 2 months and it was so very hard. You will find the strength to help your husband as my mum did, she amazed us with the strength she found to take care of my dad at home. They were young sweethearts having met eachother when they were 17 and 18 and getting married when they were 18 and 19, they had us 4 children and loved their lives even though there were hard times. We loved my dad so much and like you prayed that his passing would be without pain. I am sending you so much love and prayers and strength to cope with the days ahead. Last week I was diagnosed with breast cancer and am starting my treatment plan with my operation next week, I know it will be hard but my dad passed on to me his determination and strength of character and I will fight as hard as he did but hopefully with a better outcome. X
  • FormerMember

    I'm so sorry to hear your news, it is absolutely heartbreaking to hear.  For you but the biggest thing is what must they be thinking/feeling, how awful would it be to hear something like that.

    We found their timescales amazingly accurate, and because of that, they were able to put everything in place so that Dad did die in a way in which he wanted.  Although he appeared scared in his eyes for a short time, he was so tired and it was time for him to go.

    This time now I think is the worst, it's cruel.  How and when being your biggest fears.  The moment they pass cames a great relief that they are now safe and out of pain.

    Thinking of you xx