The PCa Man

  • A Healthy BMI Again

    Since diagnosis I have had problems with weight loss which my GP has put down to depression and anxiety, with also the medication not helping. But today I have found out I'm back in the 'ok' zone with a healthy BMI of 19.3, back at a healthy weight of 11stone 1. That's a lot healthy than last October when I weighed 10stone. At that weight I looked incredibly ill and gaunt (I'm 6ft 3in) and when I look back at the pictures…
  • Abiraterone

    Being a man that reads, I've read lots and lots into prostate cancer, it's treatments and new drugs being developed and trialled. I had read glowing reports about Abiraterone before I had been put on it. I started Abiraterone in March after a rising PSA after Zoladex had served it's time. Since then my PSA has dropping slightly. Like most HTs, side effects are part of the package. I think we can all agree, HTs leaves…