PCa Man Update

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Hello All. Not updated this blog in a while so heres a quick fill in.

It's been a roller coaster of a few months. My op to stabilise my hips went well. I had rods and screws put in, mechanical man now. I then had a second op beg of September to remove a external brace. IM still struggling with bone pain but it's managed well. I've also gained more mobility these last few days and I'm continuing weekly physio. 

On Monday I also began radiotherapy. This is everyday for four weeks to treat the lymph nodes. I'm finding this ok just been a tiring long week back and forth to the hospital. IM still struggling with the low days but must carry on for my family

As some may know, I've been offered to do a talk at the Cancer Care Fighters Conference. This is a great opportunity to stand up for each and every one of us! I'll keep you up to datE with information to follow.

Take care 

  • FormerMember

    Hi Eddie,

    How is your pain now since you have had the rods put in.  My partner has prostate cancer metastasis to the bone and is in quite considerable pain.  He has a palliative care nurse and she has given him patches, he is also on a lot of pain killers too.  He is struggling to walk so was wondering if the op you had would be good for him.