September 7th 2011 (pt 1)

1 minute read time.

Not a good day for me I feel like I'm surrounded by indians,out of ammo and waiting for the cavalry to turn up.I have so many questions to ask like "How much exercise is considered enough without wearing Mo out?" "Is this trip to the doctors today going to wear her out & bring back the seizures?" "Can she wash her hair & have a bath?"or "Is it too early yet?" let alone how i'm going to do it, getting Mo in & out of the bath with her unsteadiness and balance problems.Now I also have started to feel angry "Could something of been done earlier way back in May/June?",probably not I just don't know. "Why didn't the hospital do a C.T. scan immediately when Mo started presenting with problems?" instead of saying it may be do to with her ears all the problems."Are the doctors telling me everything?","Is our holiday to Essex going to be too much in 2-3 weeks time, will Mo even make it?"!!!!.Questions! Questions! It just seems that the surgeons,doctors and specialists have just dropped the bombshell, "Mo has an inoperable brain tumour & the cancers incurable" now get on with it!! and carried on with their normal lives same as ev1 else including friends& family.Luckily they can get on with their lives whereas I can't.!! I am in the thick of it,on the front line 24/7 lucky if I can see beyond the next 24hrs let alone the next week.

  • FormerMember

    Hi Brian, I really do sympathise with your difficulties. What questions do you ask? Will I look silly? Do I really want to know? etc etc etc. Please ask if you're not sure. That way you can have some reassurance if you're doing it right and being told the correct way if not! Nobody comes into this journey with all the answers, if any at all. I'm sure the doctors and nurses will have heard it all before.

    Anger is an unfortunate part of this mess too. My husband's father was being treated by his GP for an inner ear infection also, turned out to be a brain tumour which was removed, but, unfortunately grew back rapidly. Later I did a bit of research and apparently ALL of the symptoms he had indicated a tumour,  but was overlooked. I would say, try not to be angry because it won't change anything, but being human it's only natural.

    I hope you both manage to get your holiday. I'm sure it will do you both the world of good.

    Best wishes, Christine xx