September 4th 2011

Less than one minute read time.

Today started off well took Mo down the town to Jempsons for a cup of tea & a sausage roll its the first time Mos been out since she came home over a week ago.Had a lovely day

she was a bit tired after so we came home so Mo could rest.About 6.30pm Mo had a mini seizure,shaky legs,arms and torso,slight rocking from left to right lasted approx 15-20

mins it passed but she neglected to tell me!!The next thing I know Mos shouting at me from the bedroom to call 999 as another seizure happened between 12-12.30am,scared her I

think.I rang Seadoc but they were unhappy to suggest to me what to do and advised me to call an ambulance which I did.Now Mos back in hospital @ The Conquest which she

hates,kept in overnight for observations will call tomorrow and see her later.'Give us a break!'is this a sign of whats to come,I really hope not guess we will just watch this

space and see, Im upset and worried as is Mo.One consolation at least ev1 knows now I told Karin & Jez today they are gutted,no surprise there.
