September 2nd 2011

Less than one minute read time.

Been a crap day today had to tell my mum & dad the "bad news" driving up from Morrisons and the bank,tears arrived whilst I was driving. Don't know why but the tears & emotions wash over you at the weirdest times,usually triggered by a thought from the "past" or worse from the "future",a song or just about anything.Tried to pull myself together before my mum opened the front door,didn't happen the "tears & emotions"washed over us yet again!
The hardest thing mo & I are finding is telling friends & family the "bad news" and how to tell them "We had the results of the biopsy, Mo has cancer its inoperable and its terminal shes going to have radiotherapy but any treatment is a 'longevity thing' and given to improve her quality of life and hopefully (hopefully???)extend her life".It doesn't get any easier every time you repeat yourself and then you have to deal with the fallout,the crying or the sympathy or just their feeling of uselessness...again!!!its hard then your "tears & emotions" return.
