September 27th 2011 (pt2)

Less than one minute read time.

Charlotte the carer came round today at 2pm and gave Mo a wash and washed her hair today.There was some initial confusion between the A1 care co-ordinator and myself regarding the times but it was eventually sorted.I also had Helen (getting slightly better remembering SOME names lol) from A1 carers visit today,later than planned to talk about a sitting carer for Thursdays.Unfortunately earlier on this morning I had a phonecall from the Carers Association saying they were unable to supply a carer for me this Thursdays respite care,bummer!. The Carers Association said that there shouldn't be a problem with Tuesdays respite care,the 'other' day I wanted respite as well as Thursday. I mentioned my predicament to Helen from A1 carers while she was here & she said she will try and get a sitting carer to cover this Thursday & will ring me tomorrow hopefully to confirm.If everything works out I should have the Carers Association covering my respite care Tuesdays and the A1 carers covering Thursdays,thats the plan anyway!
