September 26th 2011

1 minute read time.

I had a problem with the carers today because they had sent a NEW carer around to help Mo today, at 11.30am. When Mo/I were assessed way back when, I specifially said that I wanted no carer visit BEFORE 1pm, anytime after was fine. The reason being was mo has her meds first thing in the morning and then she usually rests for 1-2hours. After Mo has had a rest she tends to be a lot more mobile and interacts better with people. having a wash,getting dressed etc is easier whereas earlier its more difficult for her. The other problem is the first carer visit was by Charlotte and Mo likes her and is quite happy with her coming. I think continuity is important, having the same carer visiting everytime is far better than having three different carers visiting! Too many different faces visiting each week would only upset Mo and stress her out, which in turn would stress me out which isn't good for either of us. My concerns were passed onto the A1 Carers office and about an hour or so later they rang me to apologise. The reason there was such a cock-up regarding the times & the carer was apparently because they had just changed over to a new co-ordinator and they hadn't got the right information regarding Mo's support plan. A1 Carers assured me it won't happen again and they will try to make sure Charlotte does any future visiting but unfortunately can't guarantee it. I guess we will just have to wait and see how it 'pans out'??. On a more positive note Mo did get washed and dressed today, stayed up longer during the day, watch a bit of telly and she also managed to go out in the car today, for the first time, another positive!!!
