September 24th 2011

1 minute read time.

Paul visited Mo today later than expected 3.45 he turned up,luckily I didn't have anything that needed to be done ,considering. The general idea was,I thought,for Paul to come up at the weekend to see his mum,obviously,and allow me time to pop out & do 'things'while he was here. Ewa wasn't starting work until 3pm so I guess he just wanted to spend some time with her,I didn't have a problem with that all.However,it transpired later Paul was trying to install a new printer at the hotel Ewa manages (Why??)and it took longer than expected and even then he didn't manage to sort it. After 'the chat' we had on my birthday about him & Ewa being more hands on he really needs to sort his priorities out, quality time with his mum or errand boy for the hotel he doesn't even work at. Ewa IS the hotel manageress she really needs to MANAGE the hotel!!
 I know it seems like I'm moaning about Paul & Ewas 'commitment',maybe I am,a little, I know its very hard to ask others to put their lives on hold. Its not what i'm asking them to do and I wouldn't its not my place. Its just that occasionally i feel as though we are not singing from the same songsheet.As I have mentioned before,routine and support is important if we want Mo to have a fighting chance of getting to the radiotherapy stage or if not have a good 'quality of life',maybe I am expecting too much too soon??
