September 19th 2011 (pt2)

1 minute read time.

Katy the Macmillan nurse visited today Mo had tried to stay up to see her but she had just taken her morning meds and was tired so she went to bed.Ten minutes later Katy turned up,typical,she quickly nipped into the bedroom to speak to Mo before she got drowsy and ended up talking to her for at least 15-20 minutes.Afterwards Katy spoke to me and said they had talked about'How Mo was feeling?','What she was afraid of if anything?','Did she realise what was going on?'etc.This was the first time Mo seemed to open up to her or in fact anyone.Katy was quite happy how Mo was in general but we both know that shes still not quite there,so does Mo hopefully.Then Katy and I had a chat about how things were coming along with Mos care plan,"Very well" I said.I told Katy what I had arranged with Social Services and about the 'airing of views'between Paul,Ewa and myself on Friday & things in general.I had a query about the timing of the meds during the day but she said the times were fine,I also mentioned about the voltarol causing a slight problem with giving Mo Gaviscon for her indigestion as you needed to wait a couple of hours either before she had the voltarol or two hours after giving her the voltarol but Katy just told me to drop the voltarol I give her at 6pm,sorted!As Katy and i were talking about things Mo made a sudden guest appearance in the lounge which was great.Not bad considering Mo also managed to have a wash & get dressed this morning and the 'icing on the cake' ,managed to make it into the garden and sit outside for a while and totally surprised Sue & Brian our neighbours,the only 'downer' was the weather changed and Mo had to come back in,such a shame considering the effort she had made.
