September 18th 2011 (pt2)

2 minute read time.

Mo had a good day yesterday as well as a busy one,she got up for morning meds & had some breakfast,always a good start.My mum came around in the morning about 11ish to see us and help me change the bed.Mum fancied some KFC so I popped out to get some as well as some other bits of shopping I needed.Mo got up again and had a piece of chicken & some fries and stayed up for about an hour and a half and then went back to bed.The Hospice @ Home nurse turned up a little later to see how we were,just routine something else I had to put in place.I asked the nurse to check Mo's legs because I thought they swollen a little,cant be too careful, she said the calf was a little but not to worry.She then suggested we used some ordinary moisturiser or lotion and massage her legs and arms daily & said it could be something the visiting carer could do.Mo also had a problem with her big toe,a blood blister quite big under the toenail she advised us just to leave it and it should eventually heal.I also had a query about the Keppra counteracting the steroids & making Mo very tired & lethargic,the nurse said it could be possible but I needed to ask Katy the Macmillan nurse about it as she would know more.Both my mum and the Hospice@Home nurse left soon after and I felt a bit knackered so I decided that I would grab a couple of hours kip on the bed next to Mo so I did.Unfortunately I didn't manage to get the full two hours,Karin & Jez appeared in the doorway to the bedroom.Normally I lock the front door while were asleep but in this instance I forgot to,thought we had burglars couldn't see without my bloody glasses as I had taken them off.After a couple of sarcastic comments from Karin,no change there Karin & I are always sarcastic to each other,winding each other up, I got up & made them some tea.Once again Mo got up because we had visitors and she hadn't seen both of them for ages and wanted to see them.She stayed up for another long period of time but did find it a little difficult to listen to them both talking and take it all in but she gave it a go bless her.Mo will no doubt feel it tomorrow but at least she tried and that I guess is why I love her,shes so stubborn & proud and won't give in easily.
