September 17th 2011 (pt2)

Less than one minute read time.

Yesterday Social Services came up to do a care assessment on Mo & a carers assessment on me.Very nice lady unfortunately can't remember her name,we have had so many people visiting for one reason or another remembering names has been hard.After giving her all the history from day dot about whats been happening to Mo we managed to make some care arrangements.Someone will be coming in three times a week,Mon,Weds and Fri to help Mo have a wash,wash her hair if needed and maybe get her in the bath.We also have arranged for a 'sitting carer'to come in once a week for two/three hours so I can take some 'time out' which will be good.Thankfully now as a care plan is in place things may become a little easier for us both.Oh and by the way also managed to arrange for Social Services to give me some money towards a new armchair,something Mo & myself were planning to do next in the bungalow...result!A carers fund I think they call it and they will be chasing up the Occupational Therapist referral too.
