October 8th 2011

1 minute read time.

Paul phoned today saying he wouldn't be up today as he had all his bills to pay.The one day I was hoping he was visiting,he wasn't,normally it wouldn't of been a problem.Today was my mums birthday and I was hoping to get her a card and a present and take it up to her as I hadn't been able to get them yet.Luckily I had the foresight to ring my mum earlier and wish her a happy birthday but it would of been nice to actually see her.Slightly 'cheesed off' to say the least,Oh Well! never mind at least I had spoken to her.When Paul phoned he also asked if Mo and I would like to come round for dinner tomorrow??. What planet is he on?!!!.This kind of proves my point about him not realising the extent of the cancer.I know he meant well but Mo finds it hard enough to walk to the car,let alone walk up two/three flights of stairs just to GET to Paul's flat.I said "Sorry she hasn't been well since Wednesday when she had come home early from the Day Centre",I tried to let him down as easy as possible and without losing my cool.Yes of course Mo would love to go to her sons for dinner but it ain't happening!! Paul said ok and they would pop up Sunday to see Mo sometime.
