October 5th 2011

3 minute read time.

I had my first respite carer in yesterday, didn't think this day was ever going to come round!!. Eve Grimstead was her name (sounds like someone from corrie!). Eve arrived at 10am because I wanted her to come in early as I had a dentist appointment (Joy!)at 10.30. I had arranged with the Association of Carers for her to sit-in from 10.30-1.30pm. I don't know first respite care and I had moved the goalposts..already lol. It was only a routine check-up at the dentist today,"no problems see you in 9 months time" they said. I had arranged to meet my mum for a coffee at Jempsons and catch up,haven't that for ages it seemed. Then I had to pick up my new glasses, been waiting to do that for weeks and my mum had to go to Icelands for a bit of shopping. We said goodbye and went our separate ways with a hug and a kiss. After I had picked up my glasses I needed to get some shopping myself which I did and then went back home to Mo, the 3hrs had gone bye so quickly! The only down side was unfortunately when I got back to my car I had a parking fine slapped on my windscreen. It was my own fault really, didn't think I would be so long so I had put the disabled badge out. I reckon someone who had nothing better to do grassed me up as Mo wasn't with me at the time and there was no parking warden around at all when I had parked up. Its the first time I had done it,unlucky or what,never mind all in all I managed to have a break and enjoyed it.
 I got back about 1pm Mo had just gone to lay down as she was tired, I asked Eve,the respite carer how things had been with Mo during the morning. She said everything had been fine and that she had made some scrambled egg on toast for Mo for lunch which she had eaten and seeemed to enjoy. The only thing Mo had alittle moan about was Eve had made her more cups of COFFEE than TEA as she was a coffee drinker and Mo most definitely is a tea person. Mo being Mo had said nothing about the cups of coffee,all things considered Eve and Mo seemed to get on which is always a good thing. Oh! one more thing,apparently Mo wasn't REALLY that tired she said but Eve wouldn't stop gassing so Mo had pretended she was so she could get away! Anyone who knows Mo,knows this was a 'first' as Mo can natter non-stop too so she had finally met her match..at last!!!
 Once again Mo had a busy day yesterday,as I have mentioned Eve the respite carer came in, Charlotte her personal care carer also came in to help Mo wash, Sue & Brian our next door neighbours popped in for a cup of tea and see Mo. Karin and Jez popped in too yesterday because Fern their daughter, who we are very close to wanted to visit because she hadn't seen Mo or myself for over a month. Mo was very pleased to see Fern, even though she was tiring, and asked fern How she was? How was school going? How was her gymnastics going?. Mo tried to talk a little bit longer to fern and everyone else but started to struggle a little trying to keep up with everyone,it can be difficult for her, least of all when she's tired but Mo ALWAYS tries.
