October 24th 2011

2 minute read time.

I went to the Hospice again today as you do,didn't get there until 11-11.30 today a lot later than expected had a few boring things to do first.I asked the nurses how Mo had been overnight and this morning before I went in to see her,as I do on every visit just to get an update.They said Mo had a comfortable night and ate some porridge again for breakfast,Surprise!surprise! and was calm and relaxed.The nurses had managed to give Mo a wash and change her nightshirt this morning considering yesterday they didn't as Mo didn't want much personal care.While I was talking to Mo about everyday things Dr Cooper came in and I had a chat with him.I just had a few questions to ask him like,"As Mo was eating a bit more now how would they deal with possible bowel movements?","Was there a limit to the amount of time they would keep Mo in the Hospice?","Was the physiotherapist visiting Mo and exercising her legs and arms etc?","Did he know what was causing Mo's eyes to blister and were they still treating them with antibiotics & eyedrops?".I also asked Dr Cooper"What was the possibility of getting Mo up now and again instead of staying in bed?" he said until Mo is able to sit up in bed more and support herself,he wasnt going to run the risk of her hurting herself,causing her any more discomfort than necessary or getting upset and stressed out trying to increase her mobility.The possible bowel movements due to the increase in appetite would be dealt with as and when the situation arises.There was no limitations in the length of stay,considering it had only been 5 days so far.Dr Cooper wasn't to sure about the physio visiting Mo everyday giving her some passive exercises to un-stiffen her muscles & joints, as of yet he hasn't had any feedback and not too sure about it.The antibiotics and the eyedrops seem to be doing the job but it is early days as the moment.The doctor also said Mo seems to of reached a 'plateau' at present,whether he meant that Mo's general health had levelled off/stabilised or she was at some kind of turning point one way or the other with the cancer I don't know.Overall he is happy with the way Mo was,she's comfortable,settled and quite calm she has a strong heart and there seems to be no indication of any organ failure at the moment.The trouble with an advanced cancer like Mo's things can change quite quickly and get worse,both the Doctor and myself are aware of this,as is everyone!
