October 22nd 2011

1 minute read time.

I went to see Mo today at the Hospice early,about 10am Sue came with me as she wanted to pop into the clothes sale St Michaels was having today.My mum was also going to see Mo too from 10-11am and decided to go with Sue and have a nose while I stayed with Mo.She's not looking too clever today with this yellow tint in her eyes from an infection she seems to have picked up,these things happen especially with Mo's immune system being so weak.The doctors are giving Mo antibiotics to try and clear up this 'jaundiced tint'hopefully it will work.The nurses said Mo had eaten all her porridge that she had for breakfast this morning,well most of it which is always good news.While I was there she also ate all her lunch,tomato soup,her favourite and cheese and leek crumble didn't fancy the dessert though.I had taken my laptop in to play some music for Mo,a bit of classical or maybe a touch of Elvis she does like her music.While the music was playing I had some photos of our camping holiday in The New Forest and our weekend in Paris running like a slideshow hoping Mo would remember something and be able to react in some way...hopefully!!
