October 19th 2011

1 minute read time.

Mo was due to be transferred to St Michaels Hospice today,Paul and I aren't too happy about it but it needs to be done.I rang the Hospice at Home nurses because I wasn't to sure whether they were involved with the transfer or not. It turns out they don't its usually dealt with the Hospice doctors I think. An ambulance did turn up about 10ish but there was some breakdown in communication as they were under the impression Mo could go in a chair,as if.I did explain it would have to be by stretcher because of her condition and the pain she was in.The crew left as there was no room for a stretcher transfer and they were carrying other patients so another crew would hasve to be called who WERE able to do a stretcher transfer.
 I phoned the Hospice at Home team again and asked them if they could come up and increase Mo's medication on the drivers,unfortunately the team were on another call in Bexhill so they contacted Chris the district nurse and asked if she could do the visit. It just seemed like a good idea to up the dosage of morphine,especially,and the Medazalam so moving Mo from the bed to the ambulance wouldn't be as painful for her.The doctor had come up the day before and authorised an increase in both meds,the morphine from 10mg-15mg and the medazalam from 5mg-10mg,I think can't remember.Luckily Chris the District nurse had just come up and increased the dosages in the syringe drivers when the ambulance arrived.Great Timing for a change!!.The crew were unable to get a stretcher right into the bungalow,not enough room,so they had to use a chair in the end.They assured me that they would try not to make Mo too uncomfortable and cause her any unecessary pain and do it quickly.The crew said that they would tansfer mo to a stretcher as soon as she was in the ambulance and I said thankyou.Thankfully they did exactly as they said they would and a bit quicker too lol.I didn't even have time to lock my front door before Mo was in the ambulance,put on a stretcher and on her way.My mum went in the ambulance with Mo to try and keep her relaxed,as I had asked her to come up ,a bit of moral support for me,and I followed on in the car.
