November 9th 2011

2 minute read time.

Sue and I visited Mo today we had to wait 5-10 minutes as Mo was having her personal care, while we were waiting my mum turned up to. The nurses had said she was quite bright today, mum went to see Mo first as she had to go and do the charity card sales in the church down the town from 1pm-4pm today. Sue and I went to have a smoke so my mum had a bit of 'quality time' with Mo. Eventually we went in and got a big smile off Mo and loads of kisses!. While we were there a couple of times Mo said yes and no in response to direct questions and she kept looking at some roses Ewa had brought in "beautiful" Mo said more than once. Not many people would understand why it was such a 'big thing', a couple of words now and again but it is, especially for us. It takes a lot for Mo to say these words because of the tumour, its a big deal and hard for Mo to be able to say anything (windows of opportunity!!).  For Sue to be able to see and hear Mo speak made her day and even more so when its in response to something she actually asked or said,Sue became quite emotional as did we all.
 Lunch arrived and for a change Sue and I stayed while Mo was being fed, normally we go and have a cup of tea just in case its distracting. Mo had most of her soup, carrot and something!,and the nurse left to go and reheat her dinner, unfortunately Mo takes a little longer to eat now as her throat is a bit sore. "You didn't like that soup did you?" I asked Mo, she made a funny face and shook her head,"Why did you eat it then if you didn't like it you only had to somehow let us or the nurse know",judging from Mo's reaction she didn't know herself why she ate it. We told the nurse when she came back with Mo's reheated dinner,Mo didnt like the soup, we all laughed including Mo. For some reason only Mo knew she just went along with eating the soup, even though she hated it,what is she like!!. Mo also managed to eat some swede,mushy peas,mash and pureed casserole, any desert was always eaten by her. Jelly,mandarin oranges and cream was no exception she ate it all and would probably eaten some more if there was any more lol.  Mo started to get tired, eating dinner or any meal always wears her out even more so now, Sue and I left so Mo could rest we both said to her "I love you" and both times she said "I love you too",fantastic, we both left on an emotional high today.
