November 1st 2011

2 minute read time.

My mum and I went to visit Mo today while we were there Carol turned up,I was expecting her but she arrived a bit later than she thought. We all went into Mo's room,normally I try not to swamp Mo with visitors but I thought 'What the hell!!'it won't hurt just this once as long as we all don't try to talk to Mo at once lol. Carol said her Hello's to Mo and gave her some kisses,well several actually and Mo was just as happy to get them. Anyway Carol,my mum and me talked amongst ourselves knowing full well Mo was listening and feeling involved even though she didn't interact,well she did in her own way. The conversation somehow switched and we began talking about Fern,our friends daughter who was like an adoptive granddaughter to Mo and me. We were chatting away about Fern and Mo responded with three distinct sentences,"Fern shes lovely","She is fantastic" when we mentioned about the photo in Mo's room at the Hospice and "Yes we did" when we were talking about Ferns very first gymnastic competition when she was very young and we all went outside after her three-minute display and cried,especially Jez and myself as we were so proud of her. Somehow Mo had managed to remember a little bit about that particular day and unfortunately upset herself a little,probably because she wanted to see Fern again. These 'windows of opportunity' when the pressure of the tumour eases off the brain and it functions a bit are priceless. When Mo had managed to string these part sentences together,Carol,my mum and myself just looked at each other and said "We all heard that didn't we?" looking for confirmation from any one of us. "Yes she did" and everyone tried to contain our emotional tears of joy and our surprise at what had just happened even though it was blatantly obvious to us all that we couldn't. My mum carried on talking to Mo about Fern hoping for another reaction like the one we just had but it didn't happen that particular 'window of opportunity' had closed. Its visits like today which makes all the 'other visits'when we don't get any interaction from Mo 'worth it' and we will all go away today with another memory that will last until the next one is created...hopefully!. Today was a VERY GOOD DAY and made a routine visit all the MORE MEMORABLE.
