November 16th 2011

Less than one minute read time.

Mo's been in St Michaels Hospice for a month now, I don't know where the time has gone even though it seems a lot longer. In the strangest and unlikeliest of ways Mo is improving every day, well most days, there are still 'bad days' but thats the 'nature of the beast' I guess, even the doctors and nurses don't know what to think sometimes and they have seen everything. Mo has even managed to converse with the doctor, for the first time since she's been here which he was pleased about. Even with all this positivity with Mo everyone remains realistic and has to take everyday as it comes, 'todays a good day' for tomorrow may not be because everything can change in an instant, thats the unpredictability of any Cancer. Its a lot harder for family and friends to ride this emotional rollercoaster and to get off this particular ride because of their emotional attachment to Mo, doctors and nurses have the choice of not going on the ride, we don't!. If there is enough emotional support for each other it 'cushions' the ride a little and its not such a rough ride for us all...hopefully!!
