November 13th 2011

2 minute read time.

Paul and Ewa visited Mo this morning as Ewa was due to go to work this afternoon, it always seem a longer day when you visit in the afternoon because you can't go in until 3pm. Mo was out of bed again today in the 'special chair' which was brilliant and as it was a nice day Paul and Ewa had managed to take Mo out onto the balcony area in the sunshine. I only knew this because Paul had sent me a text letting me know as I had texted him to see how Mo was, saves me ringing the nurse station I guess. I have been wanting to get Mo out there myself for ages, no need to now lol. Three 'o' clock came round and I went in to see Mo she was still in the chair, I also managed to see Paul and Ewa as they left and spoke to them, well Paul actually, Ewa still seemed to have the hump with me about the feeding fiasco. I cant really be bothered about it now I apologised at the time and it seems so trivial, Mo is my main focus, petty bickering isn't. Anyway Mo wanted to go back in bed, she had enough of sitting in the chair and wanted to have a freshen up as she felt a bit sweaty so I called the nurses and while they moved Mo and freshened her up I went and sat in the reception area until they had finished. I went back in for a little while and then Jez turned up to see Mo and she was very pleased to see him as it was the first time he had visited. Jez had been meaning to visit for a while but unfortunately like some others he finds visiting people in hospital or even a hospice very difficult but I was really glad he had managed to come. Jez didn't stay for too long, but long enough which Mo appreciated because she knew how he felt, and like anybody you run out of things to say. Jez gave Mo a kiss and then he left I stayed for a bit longer until Mo felt tired and stopped interacting with me then I left. Now I had an incline in to how Paul had felt over the last few evenings when he visited when all Mo did was smile a few times and drift in and out of sleep and hardly saying anything. Everyday events regardless of what they were just made Mo very tired and less interactive which wasn't that surprising really.   
